SquawkBox 3 User Manual
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Dot Commands in SquawkBox

There are a number of special text commands you can enter in the main SquawkBox window. These commands are call dot commands because they all start with with a period ("."). The following is a list of all the available dot commands in SquawkBox.

.msg <callsign> <message>
Sends a private message to someone. It will send the initial message to the user indicated by <callsign> and open a new chat window.

.info <callsign>
Fetches controller info for a specified controller callsign. If it is available, the information is displayed in the main SquawkBox window.

.com1 <frequency>
.com2 <frequency>
Sets the COM1 or COM2 frequency in Microsoft Flight Simulator.

.com [ 1 | 2 | both ]
Equivalent to pressing the COM1, COM2 or Both button on the radio stack in Microsoft Flight Simulator. This controls which radio is used for transmitting, and whether you are actively monitoring the radio you are not transmistting on.

.xpdr <squawk code>
.x <squawk code>
Sets your squawk code on the radio stack in Microsoft Flight Simulator.

.wx <airport>
Updates the weather in Flight Simulator using the data from the specified airport.

.metar <airport>
Fetches a METAR for the specified airport and displays it in the main SquawkBox window.

.join <room>
Joins the specified private voice room. The room should be specified as "server/room".

Leaves the current private voice room.

.invite <callsign>
Invite the indicated callsign into your current private voice room.

.priv <callsign>
.inf <callsign>
Perform a privileged user info operation. Use of this command may be restricted by the air traffic control server.

Copyright 2005 Joel M. DeYoung
All Rights Reserved